I have been a bit quiet on the blog front as there isn’t too much to report really, thankfully we are safe and well at home – THANK GOODNESS!
Previously, I have shared that Beau being diabetic means he is immunocompromised – which had filled me with fear that he is more likely to catch viruses – such as Coronavirus, and of course then, if he actually got it, well that’s a whole other story!
Before the lockdown was announced, our wonderful Prime Minister announced that we were at Alert Level 2 and those with existing medical conditions (eg. Diabetes) were to stay home. I felt a huge sense of relief when she announced that. The reason being, leading up to that announcement I held such worry about still sending Beau to preschool and Cooper and I still going to school and whether or not that was the right decision to make. For Beau. For our family. What a tough choice, would it be an overreaction if we stopped work/school/preschool? What about my income? Thank goodness we didn’t have to decide as ‘Cindy’ decided for us, and then a few days later announced full lockdown in Alert Level 4. Phew! (Isn’t she LEGIT THE FUCKING BEES KNEES!!)
My anxiety is managed really well at the moment, because we are at home. We are safe. We are well. Beau is well. He is safe. And mostly, we are happy. 🤪😳🥴😂
We had Beau’s last ‘clinic’ appointment (on Zoom!)Â a couple of weeks ago, or a week ago maybe? Who knows.. and that went ‘well’. I didn’t speak to the endocrinologist about Covid at all, but once I had time to digest our appointment I called the Diabetes Paediatric Team and spoke to one of our awesome nurses. She said that if his diabetes is well managed, that means that Beau is not more likely to catch viruses eg. Coronavirus, so her advice was that it’s more ‘poorly managed’ diabetics that are more susceptible to catching viruses and Beau currently doesn’t fall into the category. She said based on his last HbA1c he is fine. He was 53 and ‘poorly managed’ sits at 70. Phew. So I took this as a ‘Yay, we don’t need to worry anymore, he’s not any more at risk than Cooper etc and they just mean older, unhealthier diabetics.’
That made me feel joy. Actual joy. This wouldn’t affect Beau anymore than it would affect Cooper.
But after some time to ponder on it, something didn’t sit right with me…
If Beau gets a cold, his blood sugars can go haywire and it is tough to manage his diabetes. Most people’s BGLs can go high when they are sick. We have had times when Beau has been both high and low because of sicknesses like colds. We (ME really) are petrified of him getting a tummy bug (one reason being – because this is where most of my anxiety/OCD is based) because many diabetic children with bugs end up in hospital!!
So, if stress and sickness make his BLGs go up and down like crazy – what could a nasty new Coronavirus do?!?!?!
I have done some more reading, as there is some information about there in relation to Covid/Diabetes, but not a lot, and I am not sure if there is much on children with Type 1 getting it or not…
But basically now, I feel that as this safe, secure lockdown (for us anyways) is drawing to a close, I have huge anxiety creeping back in to my life. Because, well at this stage we don’t know what next week will look like – in ANY way, shape or form, but because I feel I am back to square one with what to do with Beau. (Although, don’t get me wrong, I am hanging out desperately for a triple shot flat white and to get my nails done again!)
So, now I kinda know, that he shouldn’t be more likely to CATCH Covid 19, but actually, what if the worst happens, and he DOES catch it. THAT is when I get concerned. There are many things that could happen. Lots of complications, with managing his Diabetes but also managing the virus. He could more easily get pneumonia. There could be long term effects on his eyes, feet, kidneys, heart etc. He could go in to dangerous DKA. Or even worse (I can’t and won’t go there.)
There is a lack of clear data though, as there are different types of Diabetes (eg Type 1, Type 2, Gestational) and the data that I can see has not distinguished between the types.
So now, what to do?
For now, the most we can do is TRY our very best to keep Beau’s BGLs in range (which is what we try to do every day and every night anyways!) and try to focus on now and enjoy being home with the boys as much as I can before we have other decisions to make on how we can possibly leave this lockdown safely.
I am so wanting to get back to the old ‘normal’, school, preschool, cafes etc. But as a country, or world really – none of us know what this ‘new normal’ will look like.
Stay safe peeps, hopefully all of this blog was a huge waste of time and energy about my worries. And if anyone is still reading these random rambles, thank you. I love writing these blogs so much, it really helps me deal with my thoughts and feelings about my Beau Baby and this condition.
Master Beau – pretty happy with his Easter haul!