2022… and so it begins…

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone has had a lovely break over the festive season, as a whānau we have had a wonderful time – christmas, then a holiday to Rakiura (Stewart Island) for 7 nights. Then hubby and I had an extra night away (in the city) to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary!!

Busy, busy! So this week we have just been chilling around home and doing some wee things here and there.

Beau’s been having a super time, spending lots of time in Rakiura at the beach, which I’m pretty sure is his favourite place in the whole world!

I find beaching with the pump super stressful as he is in and out of the water all the time so I take it off and then either watch him sky rocket high with his BGLs or come down (which can happen with swimming hard out and other types of exercise) and then I don’t want any sand getting in his anchor on his back, or in his pump etc. lol SUCH. FUN!

There were a few hairy bits on holiday…

One – we went on a ’15 minute’ walk that was actually 4 hours return 😳😳😳

Luckily we had packed a few wee snacks for the kids, had Beau’s diabetes kit (with skittles and Glucagon) and even more luckily – he didn’t go low during the (really quite hard – with stairs, steep slopes and rough wee patches) hikoi!!

I was very nervous, so once we got to our destination, I fed the kids up (and kept some for later if needed) and didn’t bolus Beau – and was in quite a hurry to head back to where we started! What a journey – let me tell you!!!!!!!! We felt like the worst diabetes parents ever, where in fact we weren’t too unprepared. But we didn’t have a juice box or a lot of food. Argh, in fact even typing this is making my heart race again….

Another time, at a different beach, we had just popped down for the kids to have a wee swim and didn’t think we would be long. Beau’s levels were fine and…. we didn’t take the kit. Well, the boys were having the most amazing time and Beau’s levels on the phone were a steady arrow down, then 2 arrows heading down. ARGH panic. So I rushed off to the shop (that was closer) to get some skittles to shove down him. The lows can happen scarily quickly!!!! When I noticed, he was 8 something heading down – by the time I got back he was 4.4 heading down. This was all on the phone – no pricking as we didn’t have the means. Silly Mum and Dad.

These are the things we live and learn.

But again, luckily he was fine.

Here are some pics of Beau LOVING Rakiura..

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So on our anniversary we had Beau’s diabetes clinic. We’ve had a really rough 3 month with his levels, lots of lows at the start and then pretty much constant highs. So we were expecting a bad clinic and HbA1c.

Obviously, Beau’s HbA1c had risen, but it was still very good. PHEW! And we just changed a few settings on the pump to see if that will help.. (SPOILER – IT HASN’T YET) and it was amazing to see that he has grown 6cm taller in 3 months!!! But not put on any weight. You should see his gorgeous long legs!

THEN for our anniversary, his amazing ex preschool teacher (and our friend) had the boys overnight!!! I was reasonably relaxed about it, as even though he hasn’t been at preschool for months, she has had the boys reasonably often and is one of the few people who REALLY understands Diabetes. And we trust her. So it was amazing. I slept with my phone on noise, in case. And we just went to town, so we were able to go to Beau if needed. And we didn’t need to. 23 hours childfree time – bliss!!! Although a few hours before we went to pick them up, there was no readings on the phone. She had tried all her tricks then let me know. I called her and we tried mine. Nothing. So she just pricked for a while and his levels were great. When I picked him up I realised that his sensor had come off. It totally didn’t look like it though!!! I reckon the boys must had accidentally played rough and it came out but they just put it back pretending nothing had happened lol.

Anyways. Today Beau’s levels were climbing all day, I was bolusing correctly, and correcting the whole day, even over correcting slightly. ARGH nothing worked. And sometimes what happens is that his behaviour can be affected by his levels and tonight, it was. It really was. He was being sooooo naughty!!!! With ZERO fucks to give. Crazy boy!!!!!!!!! I was starting to lose my patience so in the end he went to bed and I snuggled him and he fell asleep reasonably easily. And then I did a sleeping site change, which was good as the clever brave boy didn’t even flinch.

I am aware that next week kids can get their vaccines, and obviously with Beau having T1D I am super keen for them to get it. I asked the Dr at clinic (not a usual endocrinologist, just a registrar) she didn’t know and suggested I ring out GP.

So I called the GP. They didn’t know anything, so suggested I call the pharmacy that is doing them in Rolleston.

They didn’t know anything and suggested I call a Dr on Lincoln Road.

Well I got sick of being on hold at that point so did not.

But, is there going to be a roll out for children who are higher risk etc? Or is it all at once? And where can I get them done? And can I get my booster then too? Where do I go for that? Why is this so hard now? When we got our first ones, there were vaccine clinics everywhere!

Anyways, here’s a pic of my handsome boy tonight snuggling his latest purchase from his Christmas money – ‘Pinky Pink.’ (In size 4 pjs he refuses to let me give away and continues to keep wearing…😍)


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