There has been a looooooong delay with blog posts and I am not really sure why. No new news, sometimes I feel like I am just on here venting and no one really wants to read that.
I don’t have time to blog tonight, or any time soon for that matter but this is my therapy. And I need it right now. So, here I am. Currently making the most of the 7 minutes till I get the kids in from outside and in the shower before bed!
It’s Diabetes Action Month in NZ. I’m not really sure what that really means. A month to be more aware of Diabetes and it’s affects on others. This year the theme is ‘Love, don’t judge’ or ‘Kei whakawā, me aroha’. Which can have so many different meanings. I have had people think that we caused Beau’s diabetes by giving him too much sugar etc, I also wonder whether that ‘Love, don’t judge’ message can be passed on to parents/whānau etc caring for people with diabetes, because sometimes we might drop the ball on something, or need a day off to care for our child, or be on the phone to preschool, or the diabetes team etc and maybe we aren’t the best mum/wife/friend/teacher/daughter/sister/aunty we could be. But we are trying. And the health of our diabetic child will come first. (And the health of our non-diabetic child as well.)
Phew ok. Unloaded that!
We have had a pretty rough time with sickness this term. Beau and Cooper both got a tummy bug early on, then I got a cough/cold and passed it on to everyone else. Beau had last week off preschool with it and is still coughing and snotty but is happy and has been to the Dr and it’s just a vvvvviiiiiirrrruuuuussssssss.
My poor Cooper has now had a severe allergic reaction to grass we think out at our friend’s place in the weekend, so it’s all on, it’s messy and it’s busy.
It’s tiring too.
It is life.
Kids are in bed asleep now YUSSS.
It is also coming up to Beau’s second diaversary next week!!
2 years. 2. FUCKING .YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!
Last year we all took the day off and had some family fun, this year we have decided to celebrate it on the closest weekend, or Friday as we can’t all have the day off every year for it.
We have talked about some things Beau might like to do and he is really looking forward to his ‘Lucky Day’ as he has named it.
Oh, my Beau. I am so glad that we can try and help you celebrate this, as for me it is heartbreaking and takes me back to the day our whole family’s lives changed forever. Yours, obviously. But also your brother’s. Mine. And your Dad’s.
But each year we WILL celebrate YOU. And how brave YOU are. And how every. God. Damn. Day. You fight this. You. Amaze. Me.
I am sad at the moment about Beau’s diagnosis. Don’t get me wrong, it could be so much worse (as some people like to say…) But also, do these people live with this day and night? Because ‘Diabetes Distress’ is real and has been noticed in the Well Being surveys Diabetes NZ sent out a month or so ago. Not for parents/caregivers of diabetics, but actual diabetics.
Look. I don’t know why I am still here writing these things. Nothing is new.
Ratios change all the time. Even today I was in touch with my fave paeds diabetes nurse to change a ratio or two on the pump.
Last clinic Beau’s HbA1c had improved which was AMAZING!!!!!! But since then, he has been really high so next time, I know it won’t be so great. So last night I uploaded his pump data and asked for advice to change it. I have changed it tonight, so fingers crossed it helps!
Great news is Beau is growing as expected and is perfectly average in height and weight which is fab news! He is such a wee chatterbox and literally talks ALL day in his cute wee lispy voice, arguing with us, ‘teaching’ us things he thinks, asking a million questions and just all round being quite cute. Mostly.
It’s hard to believe in just over 6 months he’ll be off to school!!!! Expect some therapy blogs around that time cos this Māmā will not cope!!!!!!! 😂😬
We have had some issues with the libre CGM recently which sucks and hasn’t been that normal for us (apart from the odd infection) but we have had a couple completely fail, or get pulled out which can get expensive!! They are $100 a fortnight, but we luckily get the Child Disability Allowance, which basically covers the cost. Unless they don’t work after 4 days or get ripped out after only one week! 😬
There is new technology available, to take the CGM readings more often, and is better than our Libre/Miaomiao system ANNNNDDD talks to the other pump (not Beau’s current one) so it is interesting so hear about that, it is almost double the price, so while ours works mostly ok and we have our current Medtronic pump I think we will leave it for the time being, but we are open to change and obviously whatever is best for Beau we will make work!
Hopefully the technology will only keep improving!!!! And be made more readily available to all diabetics!
Thanks for reading if you’re still here! xx
Check out my gorgeous little Wixys!!!!
Gosh it’s hard to believe it is 2 years since Beau was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It’s been a real journey for you all and no medal can reward the effort and sacrifice involved. Keep doing what you’re doing and remember that we think about you all as you battle along. Enjoy the “LUCKY DAY” and hope you’ll all keep well. Love from Aunty A & Uncle Robin xxxx
It’s super hard to believe isn’t it? Thanks so much for your thoughts and love, we will let you know how Beau’s Lucky Day goes! Lots of love back ❤️
Lucky day. Awwwww, so cute. Thanks for sharing Renee . 😘 x