
Well, it came and it got Beau.


It’s his day 7 today and I don’t think he’s really any better.

The good news is, that he coped really well with it and it was basically like a cold apart from the first morning that made me test him! He woke at 5 with a temp and a sore face, sore legs and sore arms and sore feet. I gave him pamol then he went back to sleep and I tested him on waking and sure enough, he was positive.

Turns out his bestie was positive that morning too, and a few other of their classmates.

What followed was days of a snotty nose and then he developed a croupy cough. Which then changed into a normal cough. And his levels were generally a bit higher until about Day 4 when they were very stubbornly high. Each day I bolused for food early and aggressively and had on an increased basal. Day 4 I still did this, but Beau’s BGL’s wouldn’t come down. The good thing is, he didn’t develop any ketones. Phew.

So here we are on Beau’s Day 7. I am on Day 3. Cooper is on Day 1. KW is still negative! So he is free tomorrow (to get coffeeeeeeeeeee and groceries lol)

I think (so far) we have been lucky as in, it’s been like a cold really. I have no smell or taste and a shit as cough with a headache and tiredness. As well as blocked/runny nose and blocked ears. But no sore body or fevers (yet!) so am feeling super lucky and I just hope it continues to be like that.

The no smell/taste is so weird! Eating is a very strange sensation – it feels like I am numb. Perhaps that’s the blocked ears too!

I am actually not sure if Beau will be well enough to go to school on Monday – fingers crossed he will! But if not, we will keep him home. I am not sure how I will even feel tomorrow – just gotta take each day as it comes right?!

So many others have Covid at the moment, or have had it. It’s been great to have some covid buddies to message each day checking in on how each other is doing/see what ‘treats’ could be in store in the coming days.

I am really grateful to our friends who have dropped off supplies/coffees/treats for us over the last week! We are so lucky and really appreciate it!

I am also feeling extremely lucky that we are in our new house to isolate! Thank goodness this didn’t get in the way of us moving into our new house and out of our rental!!!! We were in here for 1 week exactly before isolation (perfect timing!) and so that means today we have been in here for 2 weeks!

Getting covid now means that I missed a girls night away in Hanmer, and it means we couldn’t get one of our couches delivered (yes, we are isolating with no couches LOL) or our fridge door replaced yet!! But we did get our curtains installed! Our wonderful curtain lady’s whole family had it over a period of about a month and she didn’t so she was worried. I opened all the windows and doors and we all wore masks. Hopefully she’s ok still!! 😬😬

It also meant that poor KW had to have his birthday in lockdown where his wife and kids are not very organised lol oops but I did order him some beers, cooked him breaky in bed, we made him a cake and dinner!

I feel exhausted from being up and typing this lol so I’m about to give the kids the iPad and go and lie down on my bed.

Take care out there whānau! xx

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