The BIG Week

Ok. Breathe.

We are here.

The BIG Week.

I HAVE TO BLOG. I have work to do, diabetes management paperwork to do, washing to fold, baking I really should have done/wanted to do.

This week coming for Beau has ended up looking different than we had originally planned it. So here’s a brief rundown.

As soon as we were at Level 2, a lovely Diabetes nurse who has been on maternity leave, and our amazing pump rep went to school and trained a number of the staff at the boy’s school. This meant that Beau could start this week coming, so he had a visit with KW on Friday, and he has 2 days left of preschool tomorrow and Tuesday, I have a visit till 1.30 with him on Wednesday and then THURSDAY IS HIS FIRST DAY.


So, the training went well. Amazingly, that night, the principal rung me to tell me how well it went and how lovely the nurse and pump rep had been, how it was really helpful for them to realise a bit more of what we manage as parents of our wee Beau the Brave and not only is it tricky for anyone leaving their tiny wee 5 year old with the school – they now understand a bit more of how much huger it is for peeps like us.

What I loved about this was the kindness it showed and the validation of us as parents, our hard work, our (MY) anxiety about this huge transition.

It got better – the next day, the lovely nurse called me. She wanted to tell me how amazing the school was! How supportive they were, how much they wanted this to go well for Beau. How many questions they had, so they could be prepared for the million and six things that could happen in any one day! She said we couldn’t have chosen a better school, a better fit for us.

I actually had a great week last week, those 2 calls made my week though.



Tomorrow. Step 1 – farewell preschool!

Arghhhhh. We’ve been there for almost 8 years. We started when Cooper was 9 months old!!! And there are NO MORE BABIES for us. So that’s it. Waaaah.

And Level 2 makes things pretty shit, pretty rigid and pretty quick. Probs good, but awful that KW and Coops can’t come to Beau’s farewell.

Beau is having his farewell on Monday, but still going on Tuesday lol this is because his favourite teacher doesn’t work Tuesdays and also his farewell is a joint one – with his bestie!


So step 2. Tuesday. Go to preschool as normal, (after being farewelled) and never go back! šŸ˜±

Step 3. Full day school visit on Wednesday, well pretty much, with me. Till 1.30. KW and I will train the TA’s during the day with the phone etc and my wee booklet I created (with a giant help from my fellow T1D Mumma friend!) and then after school KW and I will train the teachers in the junior school on the same thing.


Step 5. Scream, cry, celebrate, I have no clue lollllllll


I am not ready, but I am.

We have had to take so many steps (and had a few pauses!) to get to this point I just want it to happen now lol.

Beau says he doesn’t love school. Says the visits are ‘bad’ and that he doesn’t want to go.

I know (read – THINK. HOPE.) that he’ll be ok. He’ll be great. He will eventually love it. Or maybe just like it.

At least my babies will be together.

And no more town drop offs for KW 3 times a week.

You should see his uniform. It’s soooo teeny tiny!

I haven’t had him in the whole thing yet, I am saving that for Thursday.

A very, very special day for our whānau.


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